Sunday July 10, 2011
What a great day for a ramble ride to Marie Curtis Park in Long Branch. Other than the on-street (Lakeshore Blvd) part from Louisa Street to 1st Street the Waterfront Trail was all off-road multi-use trail and not much of it being used. A word of warning to anyone riding along the Trail going through the Etobicoke Yacht Club, there is a small sign about two feet by three feet just before you enter the condo area. I was not looking anywhere near it as I rode by, instead was looking at all the expensive yachts in the bay there. It is planted in the garden between a fork in the trail. To the right you go up a bit on a hill and out between buildings onto Lakeshore Blvd; to the left you go through the condos driveway and four security guards who tell you that you are trespassing and that you have to turn around and go back; and if you argue with them they might let you through but you have to walk your bike. The reason given was that too many of the condo residents have been hit and run down by cyclists speeding through the 6 inch high speed bumps on the driveway. Come to think of it you know who would be going through there full tilt? Yeah, spandex wearing racers! Just be careful, thats all!
Also if you are tempted to ride on the sidewalk along Lakeshore, thats a no-no too as they have bylaw signs every block stating that. In Toronto we can legally ride on the sidewalk if our wheels are 24inch (60 cm) or smaller, but not in Etobicoke (even though Etobicoke is now a part of Toronto!
Other than that, the trip was uneventfull and a nice ride. On the return trip we decided to take Lakeshore from Marie Curtis Park and I was surprised to see a bike lane painted out on Lakeshore starting at 40th Street and running east. Caution should be used when riding in this lane, as all the vehicles parking at the side of the road drive into the parking spaces, meaning that they have to back out and may have trouble seeing you riding in the lane! 30km.