Sunday, May 6, 2012
Practice Ride To Eastern Beaches
On Sunday May 6 a practice ride was held by the Custom Cycle Society for their upcoming Toronto Ride & Rally weekend June 23 -24, 2012. We met 10 other riders at Dundas Square for 11:30 and after a couple of hours of scoping out what others were riding, we headed out on Dundas to River street and down through the Distillery District to the Martin Goodman Trail and east to Cherry street. After stopping to let some people water the trees at Cherry Beach we continued east to Ashbridges Bay and then east to Balmy Beach near Vic Park and Queen. Heading west to the lunch stop most of the pack headed up to Queen street to get some lunch while we kept going to the pit stop at Leslie & Lakeshore. After snacking, we took the lower Lakeshore trail back west to Sherbourne and headed for home. All in all a good ride. 14km, 6.5 hrs.